Monday, August 29, 2005

Look whoz blogging!!!

well, does it really make sense in me blogging, my mind does nt talk rather its stutters, so am i going to confuse my readers with my equivocal thoughts or rather kick off their introspestion....well, i would rather see my blogging as moulding myself from a confused state to a composed state...
hope i hvnt scared u guys away, I promise I will be better than this :D!
hope to read more of ur comments to accomplish the very objective of blogging...

How I Wish I lived one day of my life like this…

How I wish my life was as simple and unassuming as this…
Wake up in the morning to the tender touch of the sun's rays persuading an optimistic today
Touch the cold flowing water chronicling life's magnanimity of impermanence
The kiss of the first hour's cold breeze to wash away the bitter memories of the yester months and bestow a new light of hope for now
Embrace life as a rose being fully aware of thorns which is there to remind me of challenges – a flower that it is to bring a smile on my face
Enjoy the innocent pleasure of being with kids and ignoring the imbroglio of my life
Watch the sun set down and the moon rise high up, behind the clouds singing a song elucidating the ebb and flow of life
Gazing at the stars winking at me, sweetly murmuring the joy of being at the top
I wish my life was as simple as this –
Like an innocent infant who is unaware of mind and its enveloped maze of entwined thoughts
And I wish I could appreciate the pristine beauty of the world as is with an immaculate soul and heart!!